I'm purposefully taking time to reflect more intently on the positive little pieces of each day.
I have to live today focused on what I can give Him, how I can serve Him, and how I can help Us build Our tomorrow.
What I gave Him today:
- His submissive...I fought as long as I could on my own and then knelt at his feet when I began to loose ground and struggle. Going to Him allowed me to submit openly my emotions and instead of letting the warrior in me rise up independently and fight alone against life's frustrations, I relied on His strength. He held my hand, and I followed His lead.
- Alfred...we reviewed a 2nd round chapter edits together positively and productively. I went through a 3rd round of edits grinning like a fool because it was just that good! As he said last night, "We have a perfect marriage. I'm an author, and you're an editor." We share a common vision, and my goal is to do do everything I can to help lift Him high for the world to see. We work extremely well together, and together we accomplish amazing things. Each step we complete helps build Our tomorrow.
- Alfred...another fun, classy graphic to promote His work.
- His woman...kicked ass and did nearly three miles! I want to be as healthy and fit as I can for Him. I want to be ready for my transition to NYC, and I want every man to look at Him and think, "Lucky fucking bastard." lol
- His little girl/pet...let the softer sides of me open up and breathe again. It's been a while since I've felt that comfortable with those pieces.
- His property...continued to give up control and allowed Him to make decision about my habits.
I have to focus on what He gives me today and the steps forward He takes that lead Us toward Our tomorrow.
What He gave me today:
- My Man listened openly to my stressors and encouraged me to hold on, that we are going to get there. ~sigh~ Sometimes just hearing His belief and desire for us can lift me up so high I can fly.
- My Owner/Daddy sent me a completely unexpected "I love you pet." That affection...feeling that cherished made me whimper and my submission surrender to Him.
- My M stayed relaxed and open while discussing another round of edits for a chapter. He's helping us create an extremely positive energy for our working relationship. He put together some fantastic revisions that highlight his superior story telling and reinforce the character development objectives He's determined to nurture. All of these steps will lead Us into tomorrow. I'm so proud of His work and inherent talent!
- My Daddy was just...sweet to me. I know...it's little. I know...maybe others get bigger and grandiose. But those little things mean the world to me. With His tenderness and sweetness, I feel treasured, cherished, and important to Him.
- My Owner laid down the law and gave me clear unmistakable orders on how I was to behave Sunday. His protection, nurturing, and care demonstrated how much He cherishes His pet.
- My Owner/Man tucked me in last night. Long hours of conversations filled laughter and banter and debates. We really do have so much fun together. ~sigh~ I was so emotionally open and vulnerable as I gave Him the last that I had for the day.

Yesterday was quiet and low-key. We simply enjoyed and appreciated one another. :-)
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