Friday, June 15, 2012


This morning I wasn't quite sane.  In fact, I was half crazed.  I was ready to throw things.  The want...the sheer fucking NEED!  M's responses to my ranting? "Very good."  "I like it like this."  THAT bulaklak only incensed me further.  The sadistic bastard relished my slipping grip on sanity.  I could practically see the little devil sitting smugly on his shoulder gleefully rubbing his hands together as his tail twitched back and forth.  Errrrrrr...

He'd pushed me further than ever last night.  A true mindfuck that went on for hours and continued through this morning.  He'd ripped down another huge wall, brick by brick.  He didn't just touch me deeply, he'd calmly walked into the core of me and destroyed the few damn illusions of civility I still held in front of me.  He'd uncovered my "true nature."  He'd "exposed IT."

Hidden under all the bullshit and learned societal expectations, he'd found His fucktoy.

Nothing I've ever experienced can came close to the deep, dark place M lead me to last night.  The road there took me through shame, embarrassment and humiliation.  I can't even explain.  Only He and I will know, understand, and share that place.  Once I accepted where I was and let go of the emotions that held me back, it became entirely physical.  M discovered and made me face my truly PRIMAL side.  There was no longer right or wrong.  There was only M and his fucktoy.

He toyed with me.  He taunted me.  He made me wallow in the darkness and beg.  Until I fully knew what it was and why it is here.

And then...He never even let me cum last night, the cruel bastard.

While mentally and emotionally exhausted, my body was taunt and vibrating as he calmly tucked me in.  I didn't know if I was coming or going.  After an incredibly restless night's sleep, I woke up not to peace or rewards, but only the second half of my lesson.

He wasn't done with me.  He never fucking is!  He refused to let the light of day chase away that shadowy darkness between us.  Yes, while I could accept that he showed me with absolutely clarity that part of me had always craved it, in broad daylight it's not all that damn comfortable.  I was still trying to come to terms with how raw and crude and cruel some part of me truly fucking needs to be taken.  Yes, I'm a twisted bitch.  And on top of all that mental conflict, I was still in a physical frenzy for him.  I needed a nasty, rough, cruel fuck session with His hard dick.  And I was pissed the fuck off that I wasn't rutting on His meat until I passed out!!!!  Instead he taunted and teased me through the morning.  However, I was no longer begging or whimpering, I was clawing at him and demanding and on the verge of real violence.

FINALLY he had mercy on me.  Without a single kinky stroke or touch, my one orgasm was so incredibly intense I nearly blacked out.  My cum splattered legs shook uncontrollably.  With that single blessed was as if there was nothing left to me.  No emotions.  Just a calmness that made me question if I'd ever be the same after that wicked mindfuck.


He should definitely come with a warning label.

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