I'm scared. He's scared. We've never done this before. But...so much of everything I've done in the last almost three years has been new. I've taken chance after chance risking my heart, my mind, and even my world as I knew it, and He's NEVER let me down. Every time He's held firmly to my hand, and I've held onto His.
He fought for me in the worst of times. He stood by me and stood up for me against an onslaught. He's been there when I was sick. He's wiped my tears. He's helped me get through when times were tight. He believed in me.
I've stood by Him through thick and thin. I've been there for Him when He was sick, hurt, and lost. I've listened to His tears, His anger, His doubt. I've helped Him when times were tight. I invested in Him fully, committing every ounce of effort I have to Our dreams. I've held on through His distractions, through His own drama, and through His struggles. I believed in Him.
He's never quit on me. He's the One Man, the only Man, who didn't get part way and give up because it was too hard. He's finished the first manuscript even when things were chaotic around Him. When He saw what I'd put together for Him, He reached some more. Then He stretched, grew, and worked His ass off with me in the grueling editing process, and NEVER gave up. Immediately after that He refused to sit on His ass and tore through the next manuscript. He never stops planning the next story and the next. Together we have worked harder than we ever have to do what neither of us had dreamed before we'd met each other. We believed in each other.
And yes, we have had great, beautiful, wonderful times too. So many I can't count. But it's in the struggle that we find out the true character of one another. And Mark has always found the strength just as I have to hold on to Us, Our love, Our dreams, and to keep moving forward together. We believe in Us.
What we have together may not always be perfect or pretty or smooth, but it's incredibly rare. We have found love even amid turbulence and chaos. Imagine what we could be as the dust settles and we truly find Our feet.
He wrote me the other night..."I love you so much." I sometimes wonder if He knows how much His words still fill me with Hope and give me strength. I hang on to His words on dark days. "I'm never letting you go." "You're mine." "You aren't alone any more, pet."
I asked the other night..."Am I home to you, Mark?" "Yes." "My home is you too." So despite our fears and the unknowns...we've never let those stop us before...we are taking that leap of faith in each other. As we have in every thing else we've tried to do...if we hold on tight and work together we will find success.
I love that Man. And He loves me.
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