Ahhhhh...yes, my little girl is finally out of hiding and out playing. Daddy found me and refuses to let me out of his sight. He nurtures me, often knowing what I need before I do. I never really knew her before M was in my life. I knew she was there,,.but I kept her safely locked away, so she wouldn't get hurt. Every day I learn more and more about her. Today's epiphanies...
Babygirl is almost pure emotion, and her emotions tend to be extreme...Joy...fear... sadness...silliness... Yes, she can sit still for a while, but she lives in my very emotional heart. Logic is not really something she can grasp. lol Trust me...the intellectual side of me at times tries to reason with her when things get a little scary, but she pretty much hears nothing I say. She simply feels. In those moments when she is afraid, reason has no ground. Only Daddy's reassurance, love, compassion, comfort, and patience have any impact. A+B=C is stupid and irrelevant in her world.
She is simple. Simple to please. Simple in needs. Quite honestly...there is only Daddy in her eyes. "That's my Daddy." "Where's my Daddy?" "I want my Daddy." That's it. Everything she is revolves around Him. He is her unrestrained joy and reason to be. He is her playmate, her guardian, her direction, the love of her life. A word, a touch, a whisper can bring her to tears, calm her, or make her blush. Only Daddy can make her giggle. Only Daddy holds her heart.
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